2. Technology


The following is in the moment not implemented! But already written here that a lot of things all still need to be done.

This page is meant to describe the development stack for PyHGNC, and should be a useful introduction for contributors.

2.1. Versioning

PyHGNC is kept under version control on GitHub and GitLab. This allows for changes in the software to be tracked over time, and for tight integration of the management aspect of software development. Code will be in future produced following the Git Flow philosophy, which means that new features are coded in branches off of the development branch and merged after they are triaged. Finally, develop is merged into master for releases. If there are bugs in releases that need to be fixed quickly, “hot fix” branches from master can be made, then merged back to master and develop after fixing the problem.

2.2. Testing in PyHGNC

PyHGNC is written with unit testing. Whenever possible, PyHGNC will prefer to practice test-driven development. This means that new ideas for functions and features are encoded as blank classes/functions and directly writing tests for the desired output. After tests have been written that define how the code should work, the functionality can be implemented.

Test-driven development requires us to think about design before making quick and dirty implementations. This results in better code. Additionally, thorough testing suites make it possible to catch when changes break existing functionality.

Tests are written with the standard unittest library.

2.2.1. Tox

While IDEs like PyCharm provide excellent testing tools, they are not programmatic. Tox is a python package that providesa CLI interface to run automated testing procedures (as well as other build functions, that aren’t important to explain here). In PyHGNC, it is used to run the unit tests in the tests folder with the py.test harness. It also runs check-manifest, builds the documentation with sphinx, and computes the code coverage of the tests. The entire procedure is defined in tox.ini. Tox also allows test to be done on many different versions of Python.

2.2.2. Continuous Integration

Continuous integration is a philosophy of automatically testing code as it changes. PyHGNC makes use of the Travis CI server to perform testing because of its tight integration with GitHub. Travis automatically installs git hooks inside GitHub so it knows when a new commit is made. Upon each commit, Travis downloads the newest commit from GitHub and runs the tests configured in the .travis.yml file in the top level of the PyHGNC repository. This file effectively instructs the Travis CI server to run Tox. It also allows for the modification of the environment variables. This is used in PyHGNC to test on different versions of python.

2.2.3. Code Coverage

Is not implemented in the moment, but will be added in the next months.

2.3. Distribution

2.3.1. Versioning

PyHGNC tries to fulfil the following philosophy in future:

PyHGNC uses semantic versioning. In general, the project’s version string will have a suffix -dev like in 0.3.4-dev throughout the development cycle. After code is merged from feature branches to develop and it is time to deploy, this suffix is removed and develop branch is merged into master.

The version string appears in multiple places throughout the project, so BumpVersion is used to automate the updating of these version strings. See .bumpversion.cfg for more information.

2.3.2. Deployment

Code for PyHGNC is an open-source project on GitHub, but it is also distributed on the PyPI (pronounced Py-Pee-Eye) server. Travis CI has a wonderful integration with PyPI, so any time a tag is made on the master branch (and also assuming the tests pass), a new distribution is packed and sent to PyPI. Refer to the “deploy” section at the bottom of the .travis.yml file for more information, or the Travis CI PyPI deployment documentation. As a side note, Travis CI has an encryption tool so the password for the PyPI account can be displayed publicly on GitHub. Travis decrypts it before performing the upload to PyPI.